Monday, January 25, 2010

Post 4 out of 5- An irony

Good Day to all. The title says it all. Today was supposed to be a fun-filled day but for me, I met with an unfortunate incident. Don't you call that an irony?

The first lesson of the day was character education. We had to come up with ideas to raise money for the unfortunate. Under the 'guidance' of our Peer Support Leaders, my group managed to come up with the idea to wash people's cars to raise funds for the needy.

Next up was Biology and Mathematics where we learned more about the subject respectively. They never fail to intrigue me because one topic is connected to another and another... the line never ends!

Up next was the feared, the hated... Home Economics, where we all had to continue sewing a bear. I must say, at the beginning of my first year at VS, I wan't an avid fan of Home Economics. However, under the composed and calm guidance of my two Home Economics teachers, I have come to accept that Home Economics is part of life and that we all have to learn sewing and cooking so that we can apply it in our daily lives.

Come to think of it, my primary school has teachers that are pugnacious and impatient, always shouting at their students when they did something wrong. This is quite the opposite at VS. Some teachers in my old primary school were also mendacious, but for a good cause. For example, my primary six form teacher always lied that her other students are well behaved and very attentive, which my classmates and I soon found out. She said that all was to make us improve.

Now, back to today's events, I left the classroom at about 1.15p.m. to go for National Education training. A group of 20 students(including me), hurriedly ate our lunch and proceeded to the venue, making it just on time. The venue was a LAN shop called H.I.G.H. It is located opposite Roxy square and beside Katong shopping centre. The atmosphere in the big room gave me a modern feeling and makes one feel as if they had stepped into the future of the cyberworld. We took our seats and completed 3 very 'useful' mundane missions in the game called VBS2 ( Virtual Battlespace 2) After the boring training missions, we organized a match and played to our hearts' content.( Well, at least for the first round) The graphics were quite low and it was totally different from other first person shooter games so it puts even the most experienced players to the same level as the beginner players.

After the first round, complaints started ringing because the computer was a bit laggy. Not long after , the fun started to die down and people started killing their own teammates. All of a sudden, I felt very cold and asked my friends if they felt cold. They simply shook their head and continued gaming. To make things worse, my throat hurt whenever I swallowed saliva and when I drank water, my ears will feel as if someone stuffed their fingers into it. I rushed straight for home after the training and here I am, writing my fourth post.

In my opinion, I feel that first person shooter games gives one the chance to experience firsthand how it feels like on a battlefield. However, if the real battlefield is like VBS2 ,I certainly would not want to be invovled or get stuck in it! When the need arises, we have to get the courage to fight in the name of our country. Now, that brings to the end of another post. This is a sick Brandon, signing off~

Virtual Battlespace 2

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